Tuesday, March 20, 2018

when it's done… it's done

"take what you want
      and when it's done... it's done"
that is what she would say
i don't know what she had
       for herself
she gave
     herself away
       to those she loved

she liked to mend things
patching torn clothes
    even if
        some of the gaping holes
              were far to large
        to patch
      she would try
how many pairs of jeans
     with unbendable knees i had
        she liked to mend things
           it was important
and she mended us
       as well

she was there
      no matter what
          she was there
i cannot recall
her ever complaining
   about missing out on something
she was simply 
        there for you
   she had unrealized dreams
       i wish i had known
           what they might have been

her cooking was delicious
she taught me the basics in cooking
make sure the pan is hot
      the water is boiling first
         then add the food
butter-cookies, pie crust
some things
     can't be over handled
        just enough touch... is enough
cooking is a lot like life
she knew that

she accepted life
       what came
              what went
        with not many questions
    it was more about
        what could be done
   rather than
       why did this happen

she showed me how
     demands of us all
it's not
    what life throws at us
      that matters
but rather
     how we respond
      that make the difference

when life asks of me
i like to think
      i will say
   what my grandmother said

"take what you want…
       and when it's done… it's done"


i love you grandmom

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