Monday, September 15, 2008

our breach

my musing of you...
    a view through rose-tinted spectacles 
   in golden and emerald-glow .
the wound from a nameless battle concealed
      and the voices of ten thousand spirits
           echoing inside you.
while ringing of burly dreams
         penetrate your consciousness
               like tunable tinnitus. ..
               a sea of crickets in your ear.
          yet at times…
          if you choose...
               you decide which ones to listen to.

and i feel you now and again
       in my own dreams.
            your breath in my ear, on my neck...
           your parched lips ...
              dampened by soft words spoken
                   in gentle morning whisper...
                   the way restless waves caress dark shores.
hushed lightning sparks across a turbulent sky!
                   as silent longings arc betwixt...
                           our breach  . . .
