Wednesday, November 10, 2010

even a spark blinds

it is behind clouds
we seek light… and in darkness
even a spark blinds



  1. Sometimes my days are nothing but darkness, as I suffer from depression, but your poem reminds me that even the smallest incidences of "light" are to be embraced.

  2. You are not alone with depression. I to suffer... well I was ok till 1st grade ;)

    to me... it is better not to fight it... it can be a bit like quicksand. Be still... breathe...

    i have thought much of my depression and it seems to be rooted in expectations... for me this is the progression:

    expectation --> dissapointment --> expectation --> dissapointment --> frustration --> repeated frustrations --> depression

    the root is expectations (in my humble oppinion)

    having said all that... one can never be free of some type of expectation... it is not a cure... it is simply my thoughts on what i have seen in my own life.

    there are leginimate reasons to be sad... and anyone telling you differntly will one day need your help when their denial fails them tragically.

    Much love,
